Please join us November 11-13
Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH
Contemplative Caregiver Retreat
with Megan Carnarius, Anne Giesen, Ellen Knapp
This retreat is designed for both family and professional caregivers, especially of elders. We will focus on the care we provide, the elders we love and the broader issues of living and aging well (schedule and descriptions below).
Topics include:
Reflections on Aging
Mental Wellness: Caring for Self and Caring for Others
Companions on the Journey
A Deeper Perspective on Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias
The Quality of Our Lives, Leaving this Life, Death and Dying
Small Group Discussions based on Relationships of Care
The Ten Gifts for the Evolving Caregiver
The practice of meditation, being mindful and bringing basic attendance to our work heightens our connection. To retreat to this beautiful location and share time and space with others involved in similar work and care is also refreshing and affirming. We will shine light on the opportunities for personal growth inherent in being of service, while gently reminding ourselves of self care. We hope this offering will provide a foundation for thoughtful introspection and bring refreshment and inspiration to all who participate.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Boulder conference!
The Alchemy of Aging Project is an educational arm of Memory Care Consulting.